Dream City Ladies come from all different backgrounds and ages pursuing Jesus together! We have quarterly gatherings to fellowship and get into God’s word. The Ladies also raise special funds throughout the year to give to the missionaries and ministries that DCC supports. Another way the Ladies reach out is by filling handmade Christmas stockings with toys and treats for Dallas Metro Ministries.

Our Men’s Ministry is made of men pursuing the heart of God together. We have monthly men’s fellowship either for a men's breakfast or a Meat & Greet to connect with each other and God. We also serve the church through workdays, assisting in monthly food pallet pickups for the food ministry and many other projects. The Men of DCC have a desire to see men of all generations growing in Christ!

Dream City Youth is the junior high and high school community of DCC. We are committed to creating a place where young people can belong, grow, and encounter God. It is for grades 6-12 and meets Wednesday nights at 7PM.

A church thrives not only within its walls but more importantly through its impact beyond them. Community outreach is at the heart of our mission, reflecting Jesus' call to love our neighbors as ourselves. Outreach is not just an activity; it’s a lifestyle that opens doors for us to connect with others, build meaningful relationships, and show the love of Jesus in action.

At Dream City Kids, our mission is to develop leaders who are passionately in love with Jesus. Each week, future world-changers grow more in love with God and His house through worship, interactive lessons, and of course, fun! It is for ages PreK-5 and meets Sunday mornings at 10:45AM and Wednesday Nights Kids Club
meet at 7PM.

This ministry is driven by a heart that sees beyond the bars and into the souls of those who are often overlooked. It’s about believing in the power of God’s love to transform lives, even in the most unlikely places. By reaching out to those in prison, we affirm that everyone deserves a second chance, and we become conduits of God’s mercy and love in a world that desperately needs it.